Botanical Garden Of Amazonian Medicinal Plants

Botanical Garden of Medicinal Plants


To our center of knowledge and ancestral wisdom. Peru is a multicultural country with ancient knowledge in natural medicine. Thanks to our vast diversity of native plants with proven healing benefits, they are used in the treatment of infectious diseases and various ailments.

The botanical center of medicinal plants covers an area of 3 hectares, located in the Manu Biosphere Reserve in the Tropical sector at Ecomanu Lodge. It features over 103 species of medicinal plants, energizing plants, master plants, and edible plants. Various parts such as flowers, fruits, seeds, leaves, stems, barks, and roots are utilized in therapeutic treatments. These include Ayahuasca, chacruma, uña de gato, sangre de grado, ajo sacha, matapalo, toe, sano sano, botoncillo, copaiba, coca, ortiga, santa María, achote, caña caña, bobinzana, oje, catahua, chanca piedra, macambo, guayaba, amor seco, chiric sanango, limón, piña, daledale, piripir, huito, etc.



The knowledge of the medicinal properties of plants is based on the observation, respect, use and practices of cultures. It is the deep knowledge of their culture and environment. It is transmitted from generation to generation and enriched by the cultural integration of the population.

We consider that it is of utmost urgency to recover and validate the use of medicinal plants, expand knowledge, conserve species and promote their cultivation, so that the cultural legacy of the Amazonian peoples continues to grow and benefit those who for centuries have accumulated and preserved this knowledge. Facing an invasive world of technological changes that permanently increases climate change.


The Botanical Garden of medicinal plants of Manu, will be a place that combines the natural beauty of the Amazon forest, with the magic of wildlife, where hundreds of birds, groups of monkeys and beautiful butterflies of the garden, will give visitors the opportunity to enjoy nature, but also to know and appreciate the fascinating world of medicinal plants. To contribute to the thought of environmental conservation for the sustainability of our territories.

Project objectives:

  • Implement a botanical garden with native medicinal plants from the region.
  • Identification of each plant with its healing and therapeutic properties, in collaboration with healing masters from different ethnic groups and native communities of the Manu Biosphere Reserve.
  • Contribute to the dissemination, use, and practice in the prevention and treatment of diseases and infections typical of the Amazon.
  • Revalue the ancient knowledge of the indigenous peoples of Manu, held by masters and doctors submerged in oblivion who still practice and develop with wisdom and great skill, putting forward their songs (icaros), meditations, and preparation methods.
  • Promote the use of medicinal plants in families, students, and future generations, for the development of environmental culture conservation.
  • Promote guided visits with healing masters to local families, delegations of students from primary, secondary, university levels, foreign visitors, botanists, and researchers.
  • Develop courses and events on the practice and management of the use of medicinal plants.
  • Produce medicinal products for marketing in local and regional markets.

EcoManu lodge committed to development and conservation in the Manu Biosphere Reserve – Manu National Park.

Let's make the change together

As a donor for our program Botanical Garden of Medicinal Plants in the MANU or for the maintenance and care of the Observation Tower that helps the conservation and appreciation of the natural and cultural resources of our Manu region. We make sure that your donation goes 100% to the project that needs it in a responsible and transparent way.

How to donate?
Donations can be made via deposit to our bank account and will be used entirely to support any of the above mentioned initiatives.

In addition to actively contributing to the conservation of nature and its population. If you have already made a donation or you wish to do so, you can write to indicating your name or company name, ID or RUC number and telephone number.

The bank details are:
BCP: 28595647941046
CCI. 00228519564794104658
Account in Soles: 

Account in dollars.

Our commitment as a local family project we cover the costs of shipping percentage, so that your money reaches 100% to the program of conservation and valuation of the botanical garden of medicinal plants and the maintenance and care of the observation tower for the monitoring of Amazonian fauna and flora.