Welcome to our volunteering program, a legally constituted organization by EcoManu Lodge. The program involves reforestation, appreciation of medicinal plants, organic agriculture, monitoring and listing of birds, mammals, and monitoring and identification of butterflies. The fundamental principle is rural development, understood as the well-being of local families in the Manu Biosphere Reserve, contributing to the local, regional, and national community. This development is contemplated from a perspective of integral development, involving harmony between the population and their activities with the environment. Equity is also a fundamental concept in our Ecotourism vision.

The volunteering program takes place in the Manu Biosphere Reserve in Southeast Peru. Due to its special location and high biological biodiversity, it is highly recommended for students, couples, families, biologists, anthropologists, bird watchers, ornithologists, photographers, etc.

  • Increase economic income and improve the quality of life for rural populations.
  • Preserve soil, water, and air as the foundations for life development on the planet, generating forests that contribute to their conservation.
  • Turn reforestation into a prioritized and permanent activity on the national agenda, especially in rural areas, due to its economic, social, and environmental importance.
  • Recover degraded ecosystems and increase productivity levels, improving environmental quality.
  • Strengthen the political will of national and regional institutions in favor of reforestation as a national need.
  • Reduce pressure on natural forests, counteracting bad harvesting practices and tree cutting and burning.
  • Raise social awareness to revalue nature, promoting citizen participation.
  • Conduct reforestation campaigns with local and regional educational centers to sensitize future citizens to the importance of reforestation and environmental conservation.

A local project led by local families for local families in Manu


The Volunteering Program is based at and primarily hosted by EcoManu Lodge, located in the MANU BIOSPHERE RESERVE, a rich biodiversity area on the right bank of the Upper Madre de Dios River, in the Manu province of Madre de Dios department. It is very close to the tourist port of Atalaya, at 460 meters above sea level and 230 km from the city of Cusco, along the famous MANU ROAD route Cusco – Paucartambo – Pilcopata – Puerto de Atalaya – EcoManu Lodge, a 6-hour journey by local public transport.


Volunteers can apply to the following work programs:

  1. Reforestation, collection of forest seeds, creation of forest nurseries, and maintenance of seedlings.
  2. Identification and assessment of medicinal plants with processing for the proper use of their medicinal properties.
  3. Organic agriculture, planting exotic plants, collecting cocoa, and processing chocolate.
  4. Monitoring and listing of birds and mammals.
  5. Implementation and maintenance of the natural garden with native, exotic flowers, and orchids for the attraction and observation of butterflies and hummingbirds.

During the volunteering program, two cooking classes will be provided.

Volunteers also contribute to the following aspects for the project’s smooth operation:

  • Cleaning and maintenance of trails/pathways
  • Improvement of promotional tools and marketing for our websites. Posting photographs of the activities carried out.
  • Assisting support staff with the transportation of food and project materials
  • Once a week, cleaning of the kitchen, dining area, bedrooms, and removal of inorganic waste from the project.


Price per person, minimum 1 week of stay, and maximum 16 weeks

1 Week $ 320
2 Weeks $ 520
3 Weeks $ 800
4 Weeks $ 1,080
5 Weeks $ 1,300
6 Weeks $ 1,530
8 Weeks $ 2,120
16 Weeks $ 4,240


  • Options available for those who wish to extend the volunteer program, and don't forget to inform about your work interests and any dietary and health restrictions.

  • Workdays from Monday to Saturday from 8:00 am – 3:00 pm. On days off, you have the option to visit and explore different natural attractions and native communities. Or engage in sports in the nearby town.


If you are interested in being an environmental volunteer in the Manu Biosphere Reserve in the Amazon of Peru, write to our contact numbers, and to secure a spot in the project, make a 15% deposit of the total, and the remaining percentage will be paid upon arrival in Cusco.

If, due to force majeure, you need to cancel your participation in the project, it must be communicated 20 days in advance, and 100% of the deposited amount will be refunded.
  • Minimum age 18 years and maximum 70 years.
  • Basic knowledge of English and Spanish.
  • No nationality restrictions; everyone is welcome for the great work of recovering the Amazon.
  • Spirit of sharing and living in harmony.
  • Avoid bringing plastic wraps or single-use plastics, disposable batteries, as the project minimizes the use of single-use plastics.
  • Personal equipment for a humid, tropical, warm environment, cleaning utensils and personal cleaning products. Rain ponchos or waterproofs, personal towel, swimwear, a pair of sandals, tennis shoes or trekking boots, flashlights with rechargeable batteries preferred, cameras, and binoculars. If your plan includes bird and mammal monitoring.
  • Insect repellent minimum 15% DEET and lotions against the sun. Personal medication if special. In the project, we have a first aid kit.
  • Cash in Cusco; there is a great diversity of banks and ATMs, and the city accepts US dollars. In the villages near the project, it is better to have money in Soles and cash; there are no banks or ATMs.
  • Reading books, luggage backpack, and hand backpack.
  • Biodegradable detergent is not available in Peru’s supermarkets. If possible, bring it. In the project, we have detergent available for washing clothes; it is a basic detergent.


Dear Friends, Collaborators, and Volunteers:

On behalf of the reforestation project and the volunteer program, I appreciate your support, donation, collaboration, and sponsorship in believing in our mission of conservation and preservation of the Amazon forests. Creating a safe environment that promotes integral development.


  • Join us in a local project led by local families for local families in Manu and be an ally of the forest and wildlife.


  • Fernando Rivera Huanca. Reforestation project and volunteer program.
  • National Bank:
  • BCP:

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